Tuesday, March 6, 2007

While we're on the topic of giving credit where credit is due...

...I, yes--me, I was cited in a paper at CCTE this weekend. I, unfortunately, was presenting my own paper at the time (which wasn't really all that necessary since the guy before me presented pretty much the same thing I did--only he did it better) and didn't get to hear the speakers read their paper and note, "According to Rochelle Gregory's article 'Popken's Tarleton Writer..." although Marc did hear it and was kind of enough to tell me.

Yes, I'm famous. I'm bringing sexy back.

I will be available for autographs later this week.


Dr. Donna said...

I don't need your autograph - I am now one of the few who can honestly say that I "knew you when..." :)

Anonymous said...

I want to be quoted--As the mad Brit claims,.......

WTG Rochelle!

Dr. Donna said...

I wanna be sedated...

(we are quoting song lyrics now, right??) --- says the student-paper-drunk-teacher-of-English...
