Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some rhetorical reasoning...

Another thought I've been bouncing around since the VTech shootings and the media speculations that Cho was autistic: the emphasis on deductive reasoning in regard to disability, criminality, and Cho.

Cho was psychotic.
Cho was autistic.
Autistics are psychotic.

Or, for that matter:

Cho lacked empathy.
Autistics lack empathy.
Cho was autistic.

For a discussion on the criminality of autism? There's plenty of discussion out there on the "lack of empathy" arguments made in regard to autism and schizophrenia, autism and criminality...

1 comment:

DrTee said...

Yes, there is still so much ignorance about autism and other forms of "mental" illness. He may have been autistic, but he was also clearly psychotic (and those do not go hand in hand, have no causal relation, and just coincidentally occurred in one person).

There is a great article in Newsweek called The Mind of a Killer which does a great job of talking about all the complex factors that create these kinds of criminals. I'll save it for you.